There are health benefits to be had from the game, and it can be an enjoyable and rewarding activity! The hardest part about learning to play golf is getting started. Read this article, concerning good advice on getting started.
Learn how to hold your club correctly from the first time you play. A mistake made by many is gripping the club too tightly, thinking it will add weight to the club. A better approach is to employ a grip which is firm but softer. Hold your club as if it were a bird.
Use your body for more power behind your swing. Beginners often mistakenly think that arms provide the power in the stroke, but using the arms alone makes for an clumsy, weak swing. Moving the whole body with the club motion is much more effective.
Wriggle your toes around a bit when you are in your golf stance. If you can move your feet very easily, then you have not aligned your body properly enough to take your shot. Lean forward, toward the ball. You should still be able to move your feet slightly.
Focus on the speed your swing has when you actually hit the ball if you’re facing a long putt. Rather than aiming right for the hole, aim for somewhere before the hole. You will greatly increase your chances for an easy short putt if don’t overshoot or undershoot your first one.
Where possible, include strong players in your golf group so you can learn from their superior technique. A golfing buddy or peer can be an improvement for your game on several different levels. Working with a professional isn’t the only way to learn from him. Not only should playing along with a better golfer help encourage you to put forth more effort, you can also glean ideas relative to strategy, composure, and swing technique.
Make sure you stretch and stay hydrated. The better shape your body is in, the better your game will be.
Make sure your grip is neither too loose nor too tight. Gripping the club too tightly will send your shots careening to the right. If you hold too loose, the ball will likely go to the left. By watching the way your shots go, you can start to fix your grip.
Before you begin your swing, be sure to hold the golf club in the correct way. Make sure the handle is resting against your palms while your thumbs point downward. Both of your hands should be touching one another. To hit the ball farther, choke up on the club.
Do not get caught up in trying to assume an unnatural stance. First, try addressing the ball with no club. Stand with knees flexed, bent slightly at the waist and let your arms drop naturally in front of you. Hold your hands together as you maintain this stance. This is all there is to a natural position, and if you do not feel comfortable, you are overcompensating on the position.
Be certain that when you hit the ball, the club’s face is square against the ball. Doing this will give you the best opportunity for a straight shot. If your club is not squared up with the golf ball, the ball will launch off in a different direction than you originally intended. Practice holding the club in different grips until you achieve the desired 90 degree path of travel.
Never take your eye off the ball. It’s a golden rule for many sports, but it’s especially applicable to golf. To maximize your drive length and accuracy, make sure you follow this tried-and-true formula.
Learning the sport is easy and there are plenty of physical and mental benefits. Now that you’ve viewed this article, you are prepared to begin a game of golf.